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Our History


The Olive Branch Missionary Baptist Church History


  t was truly the grace of the Almighty God, the time being the 14th day of June 1919, the sum of $100.00 was paid to purchase land upon which a church building was erected. There was a vision, and the vision took placed in the hearts of a few dedicated members. Rev. C. E. Harper was Pastor, Deacons Sam Hall, B. C. Hunt, John Rice and W. J. Hunt were Trustees. The previous church building, which was located west of town was destroyed by fire. The congregation began holding services in a community building owned by Sis. A. B. Walker until the new building was constructed. The Lord's blessings were upon the small group of believers and they grew in number and strength. In January of 1950, the church purchased land from Eligh and Easter Archie and built the building that would serve Olive Branch until 1983. Rev. Grover Neal was Pastor, Deacons Versie L. Pearson, J. W. Nunley, Orie Chambers and Archie Farris were Trustees. Their faith, determination and love are our heritage! For 100 years, Olive Branch has served the Lord in this community.  It has taken the loyalty of many to make this possible. To our knowledge the past ministers were Rev. C.E. Harper, Rev. Stenson, Rev. Parker, Rev. M. Paskel, Rev. Grover Neal, Rev. E.D. Graves, and Rev. Eli Roberts. Under the leadership of Rev. Roberts, Deacon Burnis Burrell Jr. was called into the ministry. He preached his first sermon on April 16, 1978 and was ordained August 20, 1978. In September of  that  same  year  Rev. Roberts  resigned  and  the church was  without  a pastor.  Realizing the need for pastoral leadership, the membership, after meeting together and praying concerning the matter, extended the call to Rev. Burnis Burrell Jr. and the Lord led him to accept. Soon after Pastor Burrell’s installation, the phrase, “Reaching the Lost - Teaching the Saved" became the motto of the Olive Branch Church.  Under his leadership the church moved from a once a month worship service to a full time church.  For  our  Christian  growth  and  the  advancement of  the  Kingdom of Christ he also instituted a Mission, Baptist Training Union, Brotherhood , Royal Ambassadors, Girl's Auxiliary and Children's Church . We erected a fellowship hall, which we used frequently for fun and fellowship. In the year of 1982, our pastor had a Vision to build a new edifice which would give us a comfortable place to worship and enhance our Christian education program. He called a meeting with the deacons and the membership to present the plan and ask them to pray concerning the matter.  Under  Pastor  Burrell's  very  sincere  and  dynamic  leadership, earnest  and  sincere prayers  always make things possible through God. By the direction of the Holy Spirit, we signed an agreement to start the task of erecting the new building. Land was purchased and in April 1983, we laid the foundation.  On the first Sunday in August of that year, we dedicated the building to the Lord. Rev. Burnis Burrell, Jr., Pastor, Deacons James Burrell, Stanley Whitaker, Hosie Briley, Edward Burrell, Burnis Burrell, Sr., Larry Butler and Johnny Jones were Trustees.  On July  21,  1989,  six  years  later the mortgage  was  paid in  full  because  the  people had a mind  to work. Spiritually and educationally the church continues to advance. A new educational wing containing classroom facilities, a ladies lounge and children’s Church room with restroom. The church embarked upon an extensive remodeling project. In 2003 Pastor Burrell had a vision to build a Family Life Center for the congregation and the community. The church purchased a half lot north of the existing property. During the first quarter of 2004 the concrete slab was laid and on August 5, 2007 during the evening service of the 89th church anniversary Pastor Burrell dedicated the Family Life Center to the glory of God.  In July 2005 the church purchased 2 acres of land east of the church building from Weyerhaeuser Paper Company.  The church has also added to the beautification of the grounds with landscaping. In 2008 the corner lot north of the Family Life Center parking lot was donated by Clifford and Louis Whitaker in memory of their father Deacon Stanley Whitaker.  New ministries have been added for the glory of God and the edification of the body to include the Brother's Keepers Ministry, Praise Time Team, L.I.F.E. Youth and Teen Ministry, Prison Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, Intercessory Prayer Ministry and a Church Mission Ministry. The Church  has grown numerically over the  past forty  (40)  years:  Baptizing  127 and our  present  membership  is  126.  As a congregation, we pledge ourselves to serve Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in unity with Christ and each other, and in so doing, fulfill the "Great Commission," Reaching the Lost - Teaching the Saved.”


Our Church Motto:

"Reaching the Lost & Teaching the Saved."


Our Vision

"To become a loving and caring congregation: looking out for the Spiritual, Physical and Mental well-being of our church family and the community.”


Scripture Reference: And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. (Habakkuk 2:2)


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